Culture Hub next to the World Heritage-Summer Palace > 성과물

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Culture Hub next to the World Heritage-Summer Palace

A special site lies at the northwest corner of Beijing, along

the 4th Ring Road, between the civic

Haidian Park and the culturally significant Summer Palace. At

the intersection of city and nature, past and future, this land offers the opportunity for

transformative development that

rightfully respects the city’s heritage while responsibly

directing the city’s imminent growth.

This precious site calls for a unique design strategy tailored to

the specific conditions of the

place and time. I was working in concert with Sinobo Land,

has prepared a vision for a new

district that integrates historic elements of the former Liulang

Village into a modern cultural

park, offering unique civic and cultural destinations within a

world-class business


The multi-faceted vision reflects the natural

environment and historic significance of the nearby Summer

Palace and Western Hills, while

catering to the modern business and education centers of

Zhongguancun Technology Area and

the world renowned Peking and Tsinghua Universities. The

result is a master plan that

carefully balances an atmosphere of leisure and tourism with

an abundance of dynamic urban

amenities to support today’s emerging technology industry.

전라남도 여수시 대학로 50(둔덕동) 전남대학교 제3공학관 321호

대표전화 : 061-659-7330

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